How much effort marketing an indie game?

As I race towards releasing my first game, Unicopia, one thing that's taken me by surprise is how many non-game dev tasks I've started clocking up. Creating assets for Steam, making a trailer, polishing my presence, creating a v.basic website, tidying Discord for public consumption, the list goes on and on. 

I've been recording all those tasks as Marketing, and thought it'd be interesting to see how that compares to all the other tasks, on the belief it'll only grow over the next couple of months.

There's some guesswork in there, predominantly in the out-scourced bits (e.g. art and music), but it gives a good ballpark of the effort involved. Clearly if I had a publisher, started with an existing codebase, or exclusively used generic assets, then the mix would be different, but as I get release candidate 1 ready, Marketing's already at 6%, and already surpassed my design effort. 

However, what I'd love to know is how does it compare? How long did you take, or do you plan to take, making and marketing your first game?

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